

Lifting your arms above your head will move your ribs, back and shoulders, using a stick is optional. It's very simple and easy to do.

How to move

Movement education

A reminder of how to move your spine, your ribs, your shoulders and hips. Movement that is free, needs no equipment, and takes little time. It will take a little bit of structure and committment to form a habit of moving.

Some may feel awkward to move in front of people at work, I will teach you to move discreetly, and hopefully break down some movement barriers within the workplace. For year's I've been teaching movement to be done in the workplace, and a response I get soemtimes is, "I'll do them in the toilet". I am hoping to change this mind set and culture around movement.

I don't care too much about your posture, or what position your hips or knees are in, I care that you bend, turn, lift, and twist your hips, knees, shoudlers, spine and ribs throughout the day.

- Move your arms by lifting them up

- Move your neck by sticking your chest out

- Move your lower back by slouching or swaying


Your spine, shoulders, hips and knees need to move, even whilst you are at work.